广新(广惠华)装饰材料加工厂 简介: 工厂成立于1997年,位于中国广东新丰县马头工业区,交通方便快捷,占地面积16000平方米。 生产规模庞大,产品种类,主要产品有:角线、平线、天花造型角、弧线、花角、灯盘、浮雕、粱托、罗马柱等十多个系列数百个品种。我司产品具有外观优美、表面光洁、花纹清晰、立体感强、强度高,施工方便等优良特点。 我司亦兼附生产GRG石膏制品,快粘粉。 广新(广惠华)装饰材料加工厂 生意合作愿景: 我司提供从设计、雕刻、打样、制模、配料、生产等服务,可根据客户要求或者来图来样品设计制作产品,愿与全球建筑装饰业的朋友和代理商新老客户,携手合作开创新天地。 诚邀全球各地商加盟代理销售,广新(广惠华)建材全体员工竭诚为您服务! 联系方式:广东省新丰县马头工业区 邮箱地址:guangxinjiancai@126.com 电话:13928850600 Brief Introduction of The Brand New Plaster Factory: 1) Established in 1997, covering 16000㎡,the factory is located in the industrial area in Matou Town, Xinfeng Area of East- Northern Guangdong chian, where enjoys convenient transport to the Pan- Pearl River Delta. 2) The factory has extensive production scale with broad range of plaster products as finishing and decoration material, including: Corner/Flatline/huxian modeling corners/Curve/delorative corner/Celling Meallions/relief/supporting beam/ROME pillar, which are with not only beautiful looks and also silky face, well defined pattern,a sense of third dimension, and most importantly, convenient for construction. 3) And the factory also makes GRG plaster products and fast adhesive powder. Business Visio of The Brand New Plaster Factory: 1) We are providing design, curving, sampling, modeling, batching and production, and customized product. With our expertise in plaster produce, we would like to initiate and thrive business with our friends in all architectural decorations around the world. 2) We are looking for agents to joint us to thrive our joint sales. The Grand New factory is at your service! You can contact us by: Email: guangxinjiancai@126.com Telephone;13928850600 ...展开
- 联系人姓名:陈春招
- 统一社会信用代码:92440233L61040543E
- 经营范围:加工、销售:石膏制品、腻子粉、粘粉。
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4338人浏览过 | 2647人索取联系 | 848条客户询盘 |
- 注册资本 实缴资本
- 成立日期 统一社会信用代码
- 组织机构代码 工商注册号
- 经营状态 行业
- 企业类型 所属地区
- 登记机关 核准日期
- 营业期限 人员规模
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- 1 2024-07-05 化车身铝压铸件关键技钢铝开卷落料线项目术开发项目 7270.0万0万人人民币